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This is a unique opportunity, over 7 moons, tobe a part of a sister circle delving deep into women's mysteries 

Women as creatress & bringers of life birthing our next generation-
We honor you and invite you to our circle of Wombyn.  Join us in this journey of becoming sisters as we listen to each others' heart songs of healing and remembering who we truly are.
​ In these spaces we use simple tools such as song, sage, drum, art and the talking stick.   We reconnect to our natural cycles of the moon which strengthens our relationship with our source and Mother Earth. These gatherings are important because...
When the women stand together, united, a community
is powerful!
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Hope has co-created sacred circles for women for over twenty years.  

She has seen that it is within these spaces that women can often fully express themselves and feel heard without judgment, competition, or interruption, which allows for healing to begin.  We hold a safe and confidential space to share our visions & and dreams and invoke collective intentions of healing, positivity, and protection to support ourselves, each other, and the planet.  Within these sacred spaces with women, we build trust as we find common ground, empathize, and recognize our shared experiences with others, which reminds us we are not alone. This very realization inspires courageous, honest sharing and nurtures both a feeling of solidarity and sisterhood.   


Hope earned a degree at the National College of Midwifery and became a Certified Professional Midwife, CPM, and a  Licensed Midwife, LM while practicing out of the hospital with a holistic approach to gentle birth.  Hope has attended over 450 births and over 200 of them were waterbirths.  Hope worked and taught in Senegal, West Africa for the African Birth Collective and has enjoyed interesting opportunities to teach about natural birth in Findhorn, Scotland, Bali, Indonesia, Brazil, Peru, and the U.S.  She loves sharing her knowledge about pregnancy, birth, and women's health while integrating an earth-based spiritual and holistic perspective. 


Hope's vision is for the next generation to be born in peace and dignity. 

Hope sees birth as a rite of passage in which every mother and baby should be treated honor and respect.  Labor is a very personal journey that is works best with individualized care, patience, empathy, understanding and a gentle touch.  Hope's passion is helping mothers to find their power and assist their transformation into motherhood with support and confidence.  She uses tools of compassion, bodywork, word medicine, and creative arts to assist the integration of her birth journey, after the baby has arrived.  

An empowered birth experience for a women often begins with holistic prenatal education and a woman understanding her options for her birth. Hope continues to practice currently as a doula (birth assistant) and birth educator, as well as facilitate workshops on empowering womens voices, the healing drum, and co-creating healing ceremonies and sacred circles for women. 

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